Ashley Batchelor - Became a Blaze fan 21 years ago and then started volunteering for match night staff around 6/7 years ago. You will often find me walking round the rink selling raffle tickets and having a chat with the fans. 

Charlotte McDougall - Been a Blaze fan for 24 years and started volunteering as match night staff when I was 16 years old. You will often find me at the programme stand at the bottom of block 2 selling programmes and raffle tickets and often directing people to the nearest toilet. 

Ross McDougall - Became a Blaze fan 27 years ago, way back when they were playing in Solihull. Started volunteering as match night staff 14 years ago and you will often find me with Charlotte at the bottom of block 2 selling chuck a pucks and conducting customer relations (chatting to friends).

Sam Lewis - After going to a game in Washington DC to see my NHL team Washington Capitals. Went to a Blaze game in 2014 and loved it. Sponsored our first player Gustav Anelov in 2017/2018 and our sponsorship has grown every year since to now sponsoring Kevin Moore, Mike Kennedy and Nick Seitz this season. 


We have cofounded Moore's Travel to bring the fans together and increase the team's support away from home. Away travel is an excellent way of meeting new friends and giving the team that extra boost when on the road.